Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Strategic Brand Insights about Digital Platforms

It seems not a day passes without some news somewhere about the world of digital, especially when it comes to brands.

The news report usually starts with words like “a recent survey of digital users found…” and ends up being a report of digital usage. Or a demographic analysis of a report of digital usage. Or an attitudinal analysis of the demographic analysis of the report of digital usage.

The problem with these reports—and it’s a big one, we’re afraid—is while they can be interesting, they miss critical strategic links to your category and your brand. These days, that’s a really big problem!

Studies of digital usage are easy to find, but simply knowing what digital platforms people use doesn’t tell a brand how that platform can best be leveraged. Or how to link the platform to the emotional and rational aspects that drive consumer engagement in a category.

The digital usage/demographic/attitudinal studies can’t possibly provide the strategic insights brands so desperately need today because usage reports – no matter how they’re sliced ‘n diced – operate in a silo, separate from how consumers engage with and choose among category brands. They fail to answer the question of how digital truly connects to how the category itself works. In short, they fail to give guidance to brands on how to be strategic in the digital space, not simply participate. But answers will be available soon.

For more on how we are approaching the problem, take a look at our new early-2012 offering, the Digital Platform Engagement Index – DPEI – the first-ever addition to our annual Customer Loyalty Engagement Index, now in its 16th year.

Read all about it. Or give a listen to a recording of a real world case study (, one that we think brings the problem of digital into real focus.

Feel free to contact for more specifics and details on our pre-release packages.

Brand Keys, Inc. partner of
Brand Lounge in the Middle East