Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Which Brands Have the Most Loyal Customers?

Perhaps our subject question should more appropriately be "Which brands are imbued with the most emotional value?"

Why two different questions? Well, we've long known that loyalty is absolutely driven by emotion. But based on this year's Brand Keys Loyalty Leaders List it's absolutely clear that when it comes to loyalty (and brand profitability), consumers are looking to emotionally connect more than ever before.

Of the 501 brands in 70 categories on this year's list, here's who made the top-10:

Apple iPhone
Samsung cell phones
Grey Goose
Apple Computers
J. Crew

For a more thorough analysis of this years leaders and laggers we invite you to read Noreen O'Leary's Brandweek article, "Consumers Most Loyal to Tech and Cosmetics." If that title surprised you, remember that the 'emotional engagement' that women share with beauty brands is very powerful, and that there are few things consumers take more personally than the technology that keeps them connected.

Click here for a complete listing of the 501 brands.

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Brand Lounge in the Middle East