The "Decade of the Brand" opens with 2010 as consumers continue to search for meaningful value-and use brands as a critical variable in the value equation.
For all 518 brands in the 71 categories tracked in Brand Keys' 14th annual Customer Loyalty Engagement Index®, attributes and loyalty drivers relating to "brand" have increased dramatically. And while a powerful finding, it's not entirely surprising. Our 2009 findings predicted that value, not price, was the watchword in consumer behavior. And you can't have the value conversation without the brand conversation, and that makes brands a surrogate for value and more important than ever.
But we're talking about brands - real brands, not just well-known products and services or the latest celebrity-endorsed offerings that stand for nothing in consumers' minds. The desire for real brands that mean something has reached its highest level of consequence since the 1960's, and real loyalty and engagement assessments can tell you what you really need to know: how consumers will behave in the marketplace, and most importantly, what will get them to behave more positively toward you.
For additional insights into 2010 consumer loyalty we invite you to read Noreen O'Leary's Brandweek review, "Starbucks and Wells Fargo Surge in Customer Loyalty." The complete listing of the 71 category rankings can be found at www.brandkeys.com/awards
At a time when brands are struggling to differentiate from their competition and to find ways to profitably engage their customers, the changes this year serve as a 'bellwether' for marketing managers. It will be the products and services that dig in the right place, based on a truly consumer-centric view of their category that will strike gold, and establish themselves as this decade's brand leaders.
Brand Keys, Inc. partner of
Brand Lounge in the Middle East
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